Retailers of the finest historic thoroughbred cars across a range of marques

Latest Bristol Fighter News!

Bristol Fighters!


SLJHackett and Ian Warrener are pleased to announce that Spencer Lane-Jones Ltd are now well underway with the first two Fighters for customers.

They have a further 3 certified Chassis in various states of completeness to build up in the future.
Also, they recently acquired the only Series 2 Fighter constructed by Bristol Cars. It was intended to have a turbocharged engine fitted producing 1000 BHP!
It will be interesting to see what the new owner specifies - could it be you?!
Research indicates that up until 2008 the factory had made only 20 Chassis of which 19 have now been accounted for.

Therefore there can only ever be 20 Original Bristol Fighters, assuming that last chassis turns up.


Ian Warrener and SLJ Hackett Ltd have acquired from Bristol Cars Ltd the remaining 3 Bristol Fighters. 

Ian Warrener writes

During a visit to Bristol Cars Ltd (BCL) at Kamcorp Park Windlesham where cars parts and stores have now been centralised from a number of locations, 3 Fighters were spotted, looking initially fairly complete.  Close inspection revealed a few elements were not present and enquiries were made as to the feasibility of completing these cars.  Following negotiations with BCL, these 3 Fighters have now been acquired by Ian Warrener of One to One Trimmers and Richard Hackett of Spencer Lane-Jones Hackett Ltd.

The intention is now to get all 3 cars completed using the Spencer Lane-Jones Ltd workshops for the mechanical reassembly and One to One Trimmers for the interiors.  The SL-J Ltd workshops have worked on a number of the existing Fighters and are familiar with the construction and function of these magnificent machines.  Following a very significant amount of work by the determined and resourceful Graeme Payne, BCL Parts Manager, a considerable amount of the missing parts have been traced and made available.  These cars are now being offered for sale prior to refurbishment so that owners can dictate specifications and enjoy the journey towards completion.  Perhaps the 1000 BHP twin-turbocharged version, offered by the Factory but never produced, might get built at last?

It is obvious from contemporary literature that the Fighter was conceived with great commitment and passion.

We consider it a privilege to be able to complete these cars, adding a further 3 to the total produced.

Recent sales of Fighters by SLJ Hackett have shown significant demand and consequent increase in prices.

As so often happens, we only realise how special something is when we can’t get it anymore!

In a world where enormous energy and resources go into making motoring a rather bland and uninviting business, it is a great delight to be carrying through and completing the vision of people who want to experience and savour the delights of driving.

As stated by Martin Buckley in his evaluation of the Fighter “It is the last of its kind likely to be produced”.

If you would like to know more, please contact Richard Hackett of SLJ Hackett Ltd, 07867 782402 or Ian Warrener at One-to-One Trimmers 07836 586724