Retailers of the finest historic thoroughbred cars across a range of marques


SLJHackett and Ian Warrener are pleased to announce that Spencer Lane-Jones Ltd are now well underway with the first two Fighters for customers.

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SLJ Hackett brings together two of the highest authorities in the thoroughbred motorcar industry. Richard Hackett and Spencer Lane-Jones Ltd have formed a partnership to launch SLJ Hackett, retailers of the finest historic thoroughbred cars.

We provide the full service from our base in Warminster, Wiltshire. Our services range from sourcing vehicles to suit your specifications, to servicing, restoring and modifying to create a dream car and also selling your vehicle to ensure that you get the best price.

Our website contains all our current vehicles for sale, together with those which we have recently sold. The team is always on hand to discuss your needs so, if you have a vehicle to sell or are looking for a particular marque, then please do get in touch. Read more »

Book Your Appointment

If you would like to view any of our motorcars, please call us or get in touch with the team via email to make an appointment to visit us in Warminster, Wiltshire


10A Factory Lane, 

Warminster ,  


BA12 8LT

Looking to sell your Classic Car?

If you have a thoroughbred car that you’d like to sell, please do get in touch. We have a wide network and an extensive list of potential buyers. Through our partnership with Spencer Lane-Jones Ltd we can also help prepare the car for sale, ensuring that it’s looking and performing its best; thereby achieving the optimum price.